
How to save a document or webpage as PDF
How to save a document DOC, PUB, webpage, etc as PDF.... continue reading
{ updated: 2008-04-01 }
apt-get and dpkg commands in Debian
Some useful apt-get commands and resources.... continue reading
{ updated: 2008-04-01 }
How to handle X11 Forwarding using SSH
How to handle X11 Forwarding using SSH and Xming.... continue reading
{ updated: 2008-01-01 }
How to install Ubuntu 7.10 Edition v1.0 on your Sony PSP
Install Ubuntu 7.10 version 1.0 on your Sony PSP.... continue reading
{ updated: 2008-01-01 }
How to set up your own website with domain hosting
How to get domain hosting and set up your own web site.... continue reading
{ updated: 2007-11-30 }
Customize Your Bash Prompt
Customize Your Bash Prompt... continue reading
{ updated: 2007-03-06 }
Windows Hacks, Tips and Tricks
This page contains Windows hacks and many tips on how to do things that are traditionally not displayed in the usual options in Windows.... continue reading
{ updated: 2007-01-01 }
SSI Includes
How to embed CGI files and other files in HTML files using SSI includes.... continue reading
{ updated: 2007-01-01 }
.htaccess tutorial with mod_rewrite
Using and editing .htaccess file for configurations. .... continue reading
{ updated: 2007-01-01 }
Installing X Window on Debian
Installing X Window and Window Manager on Debian. Xorg.... continue reading
{ updated: 2006-01-01 }

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