
Generate Random Data using Python
Article on how to generate various types of random data using Python. In our examples we will use Python 3.12, but any Python above 3.6 should do.... continue reading
{ updated: 2024-01-02 }
Python Program to Generate Large Datasets
This is a Python script to generate large datasets with randomly generated values. This program does not use Pandas or Numpy. It uses the `csv`, `json` and `random` Python modules and does not depend on any external file or database.... continue reading
{ updated: 2024-01-01 }
Python One-Liners to Make your Programs More Efficient
Python one-liners to make your programs more efficient and concise.... continue reading
{ updated: 2023-12-26 }
How to sync your Raspberry Pi to remote time servers
The Raspberry Pi has no built-in clock. The Raspberry Pi OS makes regular calls to remote time servers to fetch the current time.... continue reading
{ updated: 2023-12-10 }
How to Enable HSTS in Nginx, Apache, Flask, NodeJS
This blog post shows how to enable HSTS in Nginx, Apache, Flask and NodeJS.... continue reading
{ updated: 2023-12-09 }
Web Controllable Christmas Lights using Raspberry Pi and RGB LED Strip
Web controllable Christmas lights using Raspberry Pi and RGB LED strip. You can change the LED strip colours.... continue reading
{ updated: 2023-10-23 }
Python for Kids: a 30-Day Roadmap
This blog post is about a rough timeline on how to teach Python to kids. This includes a list of topics to teach core Python for school age. The suggested Python version is 3.10 and above, preferably the latest 3.11.5.... continue reading
{ updated: 2023-10-13 }
10 Gallon Blue Diamond Shrimp Tank
How to set up a 10 gallon shrimp tank with no filter, no heater and no water changes. Not Walstad, but close, and with lots of plants.... continue reading
{ updated: 2023-10-13 }
ACSL Junior Division
Blog post about how to coach your ACSL Junior Division club. This is our fourth year coaching ACSL and second year coaching ACSL Junior Division... continue reading
{ updated: 2023-10-13 }
Why Are There Traffic Advice 404 Errors in My Web Server Logs?
This blog post shows you how to handle 404 not found errors for the file /.well-known/traffic-advice in your Nginx or Apache web server logs.... continue reading
{ updated: 2023-10-01 }

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