GRE Word List


difficult or impossible for one of ordinary understanding or knowledge to comprehend : deep

The meaning of the word recondite is difficult or impossible for one of ordinary understanding or knowledge to comprehend : deep.

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abjectsunk to or existing in a low state or condition : very bad or severe
ursineof or relating to a bear or the bear family (Ursidae)
revoketo annul by recalling or taking back : rescind
captionthe part of a legal document that shows where, when, and by what authority it was taken, found, or executed
emetican agent that induces vomiting
projectilea body projected by external force and continuing in motion by its own inertia
abominableworthy of or causing disgust or hatred : detestable
bawdyboisterously or humorously indecent
curban edging (as of concrete) built along a street to form part of a gutter