GRE Word List
an indefinite feeling of debility or lack of health often indicative of or accompanying the onset of an illness
The meaning of the word malaise is an indefinite feeling of debility or lack of health often indicative of or accompanying the onset of an illness.
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Word | Meaning |
adage | a saying often in metaphorical form that typically embodies a common observation |
choleric | easily moved to often unreasonable or excessive anger : hot-tempered |
appraise | to set a value on : to estimate the amount of |
litotes | understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by the negative of the contrary (as in "not a bad singer" or "not unhappy") |
cadaverous | of or relating to a corpse |
ultimate | last in a progression or series : final |
hummock | a rounded knoll or hillock |
shove | to push along |
penumbra | a space of partial illumination (as in an eclipse) between the perfect shadow on all sides and the full light |
equine | of, relating to, or resembling a horse or the horse family |