GRE Word List


an indefinite feeling of debility or lack of health often indicative of or accompanying the onset of an illness

The meaning of the word malaise is an indefinite feeling of debility or lack of health often indicative of or accompanying the onset of an illness.

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quaya structure built parallel to the bank of a waterway for use as a landing place
paroxysma fit, attack, or sudden increase or recurrence of symptoms (as of a disease) : convulsion
anointto smear or rub with oil or an oily substance
irasciblemarked by hot temper and easily provoked anger
mandatoryrequired by a law or rule : obligatory
manumitto release from slavery
salientmoving by leaps or springs : jumping
worldlyof, relating to, or devoted to this world and its pursuits rather than to religion or spiritual affairs
pietythe quality or state of being pious: such as