GRE Word List


corresponding in size, extent, amount, or degree : proportionate

The meaning of the word commensurate is corresponding in size, extent, amount, or degree : proportionate.

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alimonyan allowance made to one spouse by the other for support pending or after legal separation or divorce
rejuvenateto make young or youthful again : give new vigor to
potiona mixture of liquids (such as liquor or medicine)
flippantlacking proper respect or seriousness
exertionthe act or an instance of exerting
regimenta military unit consisting usually of a number of battalions
grandeurthe quality or state of being grand : magnificence
spurnto reject with disdain or contempt : scorn
vertigoa sensation of motion in which the individual or the individual's surroundings seem to whirl dizzily
opaqueblocking the passage of radiant energy and especially light : exhibiting opacity (see opacity