GRE Word List


marked by a tendency in favor of a particular point of view : biased

The meaning of the word tendentious is marked by a tendency in favor of a particular point of view : biased.

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ineffableincapable of being expressed in words : indescribable
estimablecapable of being estimated
polarizeto cause to vibrate in a definite pattern
transgressionan act, process, or instance of transgressing: such as
salvagecompensation paid for saving a ship or its cargo from the perils of the sea or for the lives and property rescued in a wreck
sterilefailing to bear or incapable of producing fruit or spores
blithelacking due thought or consideration : casual
pessimisman inclination to emphasize adverse aspects, conditions, and possibilities or to expect the worst possible outcome
roosteran adult male domestic chicken
conjugalof or relating to the married state or to married persons and their relations : connubial