GRE Word List
a cold drink of sweetened and diluted fruit juice
The meaning of the word sherbet is a cold drink of sweetened and diluted fruit juice.
Random words
Word | Meaning |
rote | the use of memory usually with little intelligence |
solecism | an ungrammatical combination of words in a sentence |
superfluous | exceeding what is sufficient or necessary : extra |
traverse | to go or travel across or over |
torpedo | a weapon for destroying ships by rupturing their hulls below the waterline: such as |
ape | any of various large tailless semi-erect primates of Africa and southeastern Asia (such as the chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, or gibbon) |
omnipotent | almighty |
chassis | the supporting frame of a structure (such as an automobile or television) |
appraise | to set a value on : to estimate the amount of |
hieroglyphic | written in, constituting, or belonging to a system of writing mainly in pictorial characters |