GRE Word List


a trick that deludes : hoax

The meaning of the word sham is a trick that deludes : hoax.

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capsizeto cause to overturn
indolentaverse to activity, effort, or movement : habitually lazy
premisea proposition antecedently supposed or proved as a basis of argument or inference
odiumthe state or fact of being subjected to hatred and contempt as a result of a despicable act or blameworthy circumstance
grandiloquenta lofty, extravagantly colorful, pompous, or bombastic style, manner, or quality especially in language
epiloguea concluding section that rounds out the design of a literary work
nauticalof, relating to, or associated with seamen, navigation, or ships
tepidmoderately warm : lukewarm
congruencethe quality or state of agreeing, coinciding, or being congruent