GRE Word List


to receive as return for effort and especially for work done or services rendered

The meaning of the word earn is to receive as return for effort and especially for work done or services rendered.

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quivera case for carrying or holding arrows
comelypleasurably conforming to notions of good appearance, suitability, or proportion
frenziedfeeling or showing great or abnormal excitement or emotional disturbance
cliquea narrow exclusive circle or group of persons
centigraderelating to, conforming to, or having a thermometric scale on which the interval between the freezing point of water and the boiling point of water is divided into 100 degrees with 0° representing the freezing point and 100° the boiling point
raucousdisagreeably harsh or strident : hoarse
robusthaving or exhibiting strength or vigorous health
begetto procreate as the father : sire
lumberto move ponderously