GRE Word List


to dress, adorn, or arrange in a careful or finicky manner

The meaning of the word primp is to dress, adorn, or arrange in a careful or finicky manner.

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intrepidcharacterized by resolute fearlessness, fortitude, and endurance
inalienableincapable of being alienated, surrendered, or transferred
humusa brown or black complex variable material resulting from partial decomposition of plant or animal matter and forming the organic (see organic
vortexsomething that resembles a whirlpool
gorycovered with gore : bloodstained
effulgentradiant splendor : brilliance
embarkto go on board a vehicle for transportation
remorsea gnawing distress arising from a sense of guilt for past wrongs : self-reproach
opportunistone that is opportunistic or that practices opportunism
rankleto cause anger, irritation, or deep bitterness