GRE Word List


a long duration of individual life

The meaning of the word longevity is a long duration of individual life.

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quizzicalcomically quaint
domineerto exercise arbitrary or overbearing control
startto move suddenly and violently : spring
hibernateto pass the winter in a torpid or resting state
defaceto mar the appearance of : injure by effacing significant details
credencemental acceptance as true or real
diversediffering from one another : unlike
furrowa trench in the earth made by a plow
incendiaryigniting combustible materials spontaneously
marsupialany of an order (Marsupialia) of mammals comprising kangaroos, wombats, bandicoots, opossums, and related animals that do not develop a true placenta and that usually have a pouch on the abdomen of the female which covers the teats and serves to carry the young