GRE Word List


a long duration of individual life

The meaning of the word longevity is a long duration of individual life.

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denounceto pronounce especially publicly to be blameworthy or evil
circumlocutionthe use of an unnecessarily large number of words to express an idea
avidcharacterized by enthusiasm and vigorous pursuit : very eager and enthusiastic
auxiliaryoffering or providing help
massthe liturgy of the Eucharist (see eucharist
discomfitto put into a state of perplexity and embarrassment : disconcert
quandarya state of perplexity or doubt
absolveto set (someone) free from an obligation or the consequences of guilt
materialisma theory that physical matter is the only or fundamental reality and that all being and processes and phenomena can be explained as manifestations or results of matter (see matter
ferventvery hot : glowing