GRE Word List


prematurely born

The meaning of the word abortive is prematurely born.

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provisionthe act or process of providing
emaciatedvery thin and feeble especially from lack of nutrition or illness
well-bredhaving or displaying the politeness and good manners associated especially with people of high social class
stigmaa mark of shame or discredit : stain
permissivegranted on sufferance : tolerated
masochista person who derives sexual gratification from being subjected to physical pain or humiliation : an individual given to masochism
coga tooth on the rim of a wheel or gear
infamoushaving a reputation of the worst kind : notoriously evil
wangleto resort to trickery or devious methods
venoma toxic substance produced by some animals (such as snakes, scorpions, or bees) that is injected into prey or an enemy chiefly by biting or stinging and has an injurious or lethal effect