GRE Word List


lying beneath or below

The meaning of the word underlying is lying beneath or below.

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buoyanthaving buoyancy
hybridan offspring of two animals or plants of different subspecies, breeds, varieties, species, or genera
dilatorytending or intended to cause delay
dronea stingless male bee (as of the honeybee) that has the role of mating with the queen and does not gather nectar or pollen
seclusionthe act of secluding : the condition of being secluded
disgorgeto discharge by the throat and mouth : vomit
herbivorousfeeding on plants
rebuketo criticize sharply : reprimand
refractiondeflection from a straight path undergone by a light ray or energy wave in passing obliquely from one medium (such as air) into another (such as glass) in which its velocity is different
meretriciousof or relating to a prostitute : having the nature of prostitution