GRE Word List


a person who serves for hire especially for purely mercenary motives

The meaning of the word hireling is a person who serves for hire especially for purely mercenary motives.

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therapeuticof or relating to the treatment of disease or disorders by remedial agents or methods : curative
rivuleta small stream
hivea container for housing honeybees
aureolea radiant light around the head or body of a representation of a sacred personage
specioushaving a false look of truth or genuineness : sophistic
charmthe chanting or reciting of a magic spell : incantation
sounda particular auditory impression : tone
vervethe spirit and enthusiasm animating artistic composition or performance : vivacity
conduita natural or artificial channel through which something (such as a fluid) is conveyed
vestigea trace, mark, or visible sign left by something (such as an ancient city or a condition or practice) vanished or lost