GRE Word List


incapable of being taken by assault : unconquerable

The meaning of the word impregnable is incapable of being taken by assault : unconquerable.

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extortto obtain from a person by force, intimidation, or undue or illegal power : wring
groovea long narrow channel or depression
latentpresent and capable of emerging or developing but not now visible, obvious, active, or symptomatic
outgoinggoing away : departing
doctrinairestubbornly or excessively devoted to a doctrine or theory without regard to practical considerations
agitateto excite and often trouble the mind or feelings of : disturb
resourcefulable to meet situations : capable of devising ways and means
alluvialrelating to, composed of, or found in alluvium
pugnacityhaving a quarrelsome or combative nature : truculent