GRE Word List


extremely or utterly foolish or silly

The meaning of the word asinine is extremely or utterly foolish or silly.

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usurpto seize and hold (office, place, functions, powers, etc.) in possession by force or without right
wizardrythe art or practices of a wizard : sorcery
lackadaisicallacking life, spirit, or zest : languid
freneticmarked by fast and energetic, disordered, or anxiety-driven activity : frenzied
anthema song or hymn of praise or gladness
obviateto anticipate and prevent (something, such as a situation) or make (an action) unnecessary
institutionan established organization or corporation (such as a bank or university) especially of a public character
franchisethe right or license granted to an individual or group to market a company's goods or services in a particular territory
reposea state of resting after exertion or strain
adjurationa solemn oath