GRE Word List


extremely or utterly foolish or silly

The meaning of the word asinine is extremely or utterly foolish or silly.

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inceptionan act, process, or instance of beginning : commencement
brindledhaving obscure dark streaks or flecks on a usually gray or tawny ground
rhapsodya portion of an epic poem adapted for recitation
randoma haphazard course
paraphernaliathe separate real or personal property of a married woman that she can dispose of by will and sometimes according to common law during her life
soliloquythe act of talking to oneself
gruffrough, brusque, or stern in manner, speech, or aspect
clairvoyanthaving clairvoyance : able to see beyond the range of ordinary perception
loungeto act or move idly or lazily : loaf
thriveto grow vigorously : flourish