GRE Word List


a word or an act (such as a caress) expressing affection

The meaning of the word endearment is a word or an act (such as a caress) expressing affection.

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bartererto trade by exchanging one commodity for another : to trade goods or services in exchange for other goods or services
parodya literary or musical work in which the style of an author or work is closely imitated for comic effect or in ridicule
resurrectto raise from the dead
uncannyseeming to have a supernatural character or origin : eerie
licensepermission to act
lustusually intense or unbridled sexual desire : lasciviousness
mitigateto cause to become less harsh or hostile : mollify
exiguousexcessively scanty : inadequate
exclaimto cry out or speak in strong or sudden emotion
impugnto assail by words or arguments : oppose or attack as false or lacking integrity