GRE Word List


to talk rapidly, indistinctly, or unintelligibly

The meaning of the word jabber is to talk rapidly, indistinctly, or unintelligibly.

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congruencethe quality or state of agreeing, coinciding, or being congruent
prodigalcharacterized by profuse or wasteful expenditure : lavish
memorialserving to preserve remembrance : commemorative
raspto rub with something rough
effectiveproducing a decided, decisive, or desired effect
chauvinistan attitude of superiority toward members of the opposite sex
cantataa composition for one or more voices usually comprising solos, duets, recitatives, and choruses and sung to an instrumental accompaniment
proclivityan inclination or predisposition toward something
acknowledgeto recognize the rights, authority, or status of
prodigiouscausing amazement or wonder