GRE Word List


to become steadily less : shrink

The meaning of the word dwindle is to become steadily less : shrink.

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usagefirmly established and generally accepted practice or procedure
culinaryof or relating to the kitchen or cookery
extemporaneouscomposed, performed, or uttered on the spur of the moment : impromptu
mettlevigor and strength of spirit or temperament (see temperament
avocationa subordinate occupation pursued in addition to one's vocation especially for enjoyment : hobby
penurya cramping and oppressive lack of resources (such as money)
auxiliaryoffering or providing help
parvenuone that has recently or suddenly risen to an unaccustomed position of wealth or power and has not yet gained the prestige, dignity, or manner associated with it
librettothe text of a work (such as an opera) for the musical theater
quirkan abrupt twist or curve