GRE Word List


to go or act contrary to : violate

The meaning of the word contravene is to go or act contrary to : violate.

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aversehaving an active feeling of repugnance, dislike, or distaste
unctuoushaving, revealing, or marked by a smug, ingratiating, and false earnestness or spirituality
obtrudeto thrust out : extrude
appellationan identifying name or title : designation
execrateto declare to be evil or detestable : denounce
eroticof, devoted to, or tending to arouse sexual love or desire
ligneousof or resembling wood
waggishresembling or characteristic of a wag
ambivalencesimultaneous and contradictory attitudes or feelings (such as attraction and repulsion) toward an object, person, or action
detractiona lessening of reputation or esteem especially by envious, malicious, or petty criticism : belittling