GRE Word List


a brutal person : bully

The meaning of the word ruffian is a brutal person : bully.

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lexicona book containing an alphabetical arrangement of the words in a language and their definitions : dictionary
infamoushaving a reputation of the worst kind : notoriously evil
grossglaringly noticeable usually because of inexcusable badness or objectionableness
plenarycomplete in every respect : absolute
disabuseto free from error, misconception, or fallacy (see fallacy
maladroitlacking adroitness : inept
recitala detailed account : enumeration
certitudethe state of being or feeling certain
diffidencethe quality or state of being unassertive or bashful : the quality or state of being diffident
obeliskan upright 4-sided usually monolithic pillar that gradually tapers as it rises and terminates in a pyramid