GRE Word List
hollowed or rounded inward like the inside of a bowl
The meaning of the word concave is hollowed or rounded inward like the inside of a bowl.
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wane | to decrease in size, extent, or degree : dwindle |
plummet | to fall perpendicularly |
intellect | the power of knowing as distinguished from the power to feel and to will : the capacity for knowledge |
prudent | characterized by, arising from, or showing prudence: such as |
incommodious | not commodious : inconvenient |
vestige | a trace, mark, or visible sign left by something (such as an ancient city or a condition or practice) vanished or lost |
eclectic | composed of elements drawn from various sources |
spasmodic | relating to or affected or characterized by spasm |
foul | offensive to the senses : loathsome |