GRE Word List


made unclear or confusing : distorted or mixed up

The meaning of the word garbled is made unclear or confusing : distorted or mixed up.

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simperto smile in a silly, affected, or ingratiating manner
reclineto cause or permit to incline backwards
schematicof or relating to a scheme or schema
jaundiceyellowish pigmentation of the skin, tissues, and body fluids caused by the deposition of bile pigments
restraintan act of restraining : the state of being restrained
captiousmarked by an often ill-natured inclination to stress faults and raise objections
pastrya dough that is used to make pies and other baked goods and typically has a high fat content : paste
incipientbeginning to come into being or to become apparent
preamblean introductory statement
hummocka rounded knoll or hillock