GRE Word List


governed or characterized by caprice : impulsive

The meaning of the word capricious is governed or characterized by caprice : impulsive.

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garrulousgiven to prosy, rambling, or tedious loquacity : pointlessly or annoyingly talkative
hallucinationa sensory perception (such as a visual image or a sound) that occurs in the absence of an actual external stimulus and usually arises from neurological disturbance (such as that associated with delirium tremens, schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, or narcolepsy) or in response to drugs (such as LSD or phencyclidine)
outgoinggoing away : departing
impelto urge or drive forward or on by or as if by the exertion of strong moral pressure : force
malodoroushaving a bad odor
antipathya strong feeling of dislike
pandemoniuma wild uproar (as because of anger or excitement in a crowd of people)
tantalizeto tease or torment by or as if by presenting something desirable to the view but continually keeping it out of reach
inverseopposite in order, nature, or effect
cherubican order of angels see celestial hierarchy