GRE Word List


someone who obtains sexual gratification from observing unsuspecting individuals who are partly undressed, naked, or engaged in sexual acts

The meaning of the word voyeur is someone who obtains sexual gratification from observing unsuspecting individuals who are partly undressed, naked, or engaged in sexual acts.

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carillona set of fixed chromatically tuned bells sounded by hammers controlled from a keyboard
stultifyto have a dulling or inhibiting effect on
gibeto utter taunting words
peruseto examine or consider with attention and in detail : study
crotchetygiven to crotchets (see crotchet
mortara sturdy vessel in which material is pounded or rubbed with a pestle
malapropismthe usually unintentionally humorous misuse or distortion of a word or phrase
deferencerespect and esteem due a superior or an elder
alimonyan allowance made to one spouse by the other for support pending or after legal separation or divorce
escapadea usually adventurous action that runs counter to approved or conventional conduct