GRE Word List


an agent producing diminished sensation to pain without loss of consciousness : a drug that is used to relieve pain and produce analgesia

The meaning of the word analgesic is an agent producing diminished sensation to pain without loss of consciousness : a drug that is used to relieve pain and produce analgesia.

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cholericeasily moved to often unreasonable or excessive anger : hot-tempered
tumultdisorderly agitation or milling about of a crowd usually with uproar and confusion of voices : commotion
laymana person who is not a member of the clergy
tingea slight staining or suffusing shade or color
inveigleto win over by wiles : entice
amuleta charm (such as an ornament) often inscribed with a magic incantation or symbol to aid the wearer or protect against evil (such as disease or witchcraft)
impotentnot potent : lacking in power, strength, or vigor : helpless
iotaan infinitesimal amount : jot
chastento correct by punishment or suffering : discipline
emblazonto inscribe or adorn with or as if with heraldic bearings or devices