GRE Word List


being such in essence or effect though not formally recognized or admitted

The meaning of the word virtual is being such in essence or effect though not formally recognized or admitted.

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rankleto cause anger, irritation, or deep bitterness
forensicbelonging to, used in, or suitable to courts of judicature or to public discussion and debate
execrabledeserving to be execrated : detestable
chauvinistan attitude of superiority toward members of the opposite sex
integralessential to completeness : constituent
ennuia feeling of weariness and dissatisfaction : boredom
swear-wordword considered offensive; Ex. ``bloody''
windfallsomething (such as a tree or fruit) blown down by the wind
loquaciousfull of excessive talk : wordy
indignationanger aroused by something unjust, unworthy, or mean