GRE Word List


not easily pulled apart : cohesive

The meaning of the word tenacious is not easily pulled apart : cohesive.

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masochista person who derives sexual gratification from being subjected to physical pain or humiliation : an individual given to masochism
ventriloquistone who uses or is skilled in ventriloquism
preamblean introductory statement
hysteriaa psychoneurosis marked by emotional excitability and disturbances of the psychogenic, sensory, vasomotor, and visceral (see visceral
appellationan identifying name or title : designation
complementsomething that fills up, completes, or makes better or perfect
fathomlessincapable of being fathomed : immeasurable
unaccountablenot to be accounted for : inexplicable
bombastpretentious inflated speech or writing
gargoylea spout in the form of a grotesque human or animal figure projecting from a roof gutter to throw rainwater clear of a building