GRE Word List


a thin sheet of a material: such as

The meaning of the word veneer is a thin sheet of a material: such as.

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minusculevery small
expostulationan act or an instance of expostulating
archivesa place in which public records or historical materials (such as documents) are preserved
incredulousunwilling to admit or accept what is offered as true : not credulous : skeptical
compunctionanxiety arising from awareness of guilt
vitreousresembling glass (as in color, composition, brittleness, or luster) : glassy
voyeursomeone who obtains sexual gratification from observing unsuspecting individuals who are partly undressed, naked, or engaged in sexual acts
effervescencethe property of forming bubbles : the action or process of effervescing
inevitableincapable of being avoided or evaded