GRE Word List


to discharge by the throat and mouth : vomit

The meaning of the word disgorge is to discharge by the throat and mouth : vomit.

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fatuouscomplacently or inanely foolish : silly
rhapsodizeto speak or write in a rhapsodic manner
unerringlycommitting no error : faultless
cynicalhaving or showing the attitude or temper of a cynic: such as
libidoinstinctual psychic energy that in psychoanalytic theory is derived from primitive biological urges (as for sexual pleasure or self-preservation) and that is expressed in conscious activity
vividvery strong : very high in chroma
uncannyseeming to have a supernatural character or origin : eerie
mortara sturdy vessel in which material is pounded or rubbed with a pestle
rampantrearing upon the hind legs with forelegs extended
fissurea narrow opening or crack of considerable length and depth usually occurring from some breaking or parting