GRE Word List


emptied of or lacking content

The meaning of the word vacuous is emptied of or lacking content.

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onerousinvolving, imposing, or constituting a burden : troublesome
plagiarizeto steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own : use (another's production) without crediting the source
heresyadherence to a religious opinion contrary to church dogma (see dogma
abortiveprematurely born
morosehaving a sullen and gloomy disposition
suppressto put down by authority or force : subdue
typhoona hurricane occurring especially in the region of the Philippines or the China sea
euphemismthe substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant
executorone who executes something
oracularresembling an oracle (as in solemnity of delivery)