GRE Word List


the quality or state of being plastic

The meaning of the word plasticity is the quality or state of being plastic.

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adherentone who adheres to something: such as
concessionthe act or an instance of conceding (as by granting something as a right, accepting something as true, or acknowledging defeat)
besmirchto cause harm or damage to the purity, luster, or beauty of (something) : sully
abortiveprematurely born
protocolan original draft, minute, or record of a document or transaction
fakenot true, real, or genuine : counterfeit
repugnancethe quality or fact of being contradictory or inconsistent
merita praiseworthy quality : virtue
hypnosisa trancelike state that resembles sleep but is induced by a person whose suggestions are readily accepted by the subject
lustera glow of reflected light : sheen