GRE Word List


not easily managed, handled, or used (as because of bulk, weight, complexity, or awkwardness) : cumbersome

The meaning of the word unwieldy is not easily managed, handled, or used (as because of bulk, weight, complexity, or awkwardness) : cumbersome.

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penchanta strong and continued inclination
retroactiveextending in scope or effect to a prior time or to conditions that existed or originated in the past
effluviuman invisible emanation
deleteto eliminate especially by blotting out, cutting out, or erasing
tenacitythe quality or state of being tenacious
turpitudeinherent baseness : depravity
exposurethe fact or condition of being exposed: such as
outmodednot being in style
sturdyfirmly built or constituted : stout
pulverizeto reduce (as by crushing, beating, or grinding) to very small particles : atomize