GRE Word List


feeling or showing sorrow and remorse for improper or objectionable behavior, actions, etc.

The meaning of the word contrite is feeling or showing sorrow and remorse for improper or objectionable behavior, actions, etc..

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brawnthe flesh of a boar
pendulouspoised without visible support
proverba brief popular epigram or maxim : adage
volubleeasily rolling or turning : rotating
spanglea small plate of shining metal or plastic used for ornamentation especially on clothing
subversivethe act of subverting : the state of being subverted
crypta chamber (such as a vault) wholly or partly underground
clota portion of a substance adhering together in a thick nondescript mass (as of clay or gum)
stratageman artifice or trick in war for deceiving and outwitting the enemy
intellectthe power of knowing as distinguished from the power to feel and to will : the capacity for knowledge