GRE Word List


a collection of textual glosses or of specialized terms with their meanings

The meaning of the word glossary is a collection of textual glosses or of specialized terms with their meanings.

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pacifistan adherent to pacifism : someone who opposes war or violence as a means of settling disputes
drasticacting rapidly or violently
abysmalimmeasurably low or wretched : extremely poor or bad
bulliongold or silver considered as so much metal
eulogistica commendatory oration or writing especially in honor of one deceased
distinctivemarking as separate or different : serving to distinguish
jettisonto get rid of as superfluous or encumbering : omit or forgo as part of a plan or as the result of some other decision
abhorto regard with extreme repugnance : to feel hatred or loathing for : loathe
downcastlow in spirit : dejected