GRE Word List


not requited : not reciprocated or returned in kind

The meaning of the word unrequited is not requited : not reciprocated or returned in kind.

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prizesomething offered or striven for in competition or in contests of chance
diminutionthe act, process, or an instance of becoming gradually less (as in size or importance) : the act, process, or an instance of diminishing : decrease
pryto look closely or inquisitively
hallucinationa sensory perception (such as a visual image or a sound) that occurs in the absence of an actual external stimulus and usually arises from neurological disturbance (such as that associated with delirium tremens, schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, or narcolepsy) or in response to drugs (such as LSD or phencyclidine)
reiterateto state or do over again or repeatedly sometimes with wearying effect
putativecommonly accepted or supposed
eroticof, devoted to, or tending to arouse sexual love or desire
humusa brown or black complex variable material resulting from partial decomposition of plant or animal matter and forming the organic (see organic
ficklemarked by lack of steadfastness, constancy, or stability : given to erratic changeableness
befuddleto muddle or stupefy with or as if with drink