GRE Word List
one who adheres to something: such as
The meaning of the word adherent is one who adheres to something: such as.
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Word | Meaning |
abominable | worthy of or causing disgust or hatred : detestable |
raiment | clothing |
swathe | a band used in swathing |
intolerant | unable or unwilling to endure |
topple | to fall from or as if from being top-heavy |
bawdy | boisterously or humorously indecent |
malaise | an indefinite feeling of debility or lack of health often indicative of or accompanying the onset of an illness |
resentment | a feeling of indignant displeasure or persistent ill will at something regarded as a wrong, insult, or injury |
analgesic | an agent producing diminished sensation to pain without loss of consciousness : a drug that is used to relieve pain and produce analgesia |
opulence | wealth |