GRE Word List


a weapon for destroying ships by rupturing their hulls below the waterline: such as

The meaning of the word torpedo is a weapon for destroying ships by rupturing their hulls below the waterline: such as.

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tithea tenth part of something paid as a voluntary contribution or as a tax especially for the support of a religious establishment
inclineto bend the head or body forward : bow
archaeologythe scientific study of material remains (such as tools, pottery, jewelry, stone walls, and monuments) of past human life and activities
finishedentirely done
insolventunable to pay debts as they fall due in the usual course of business
sustenancemeans of support, maintenance, or subsistence : living
laitythe people of a religious faith as distinguished from its clergy
antidotea remedy to counteract the effects of poison
glareto shine with a harsh uncomfortably brilliant light