GRE Word List


a timely benefit : blessing

The meaning of the word boon is a timely benefit : blessing.

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timorousof a timid disposition : fearful
vieto strive for superiority : contend
daisa raised platform (as in a hall or large room)
eccentricdeviating from conventional or accepted usage or conduct especially in odd or whimsical ways
dilettantea person having a superficial interest in an art or a branch of knowledge : dabbler
defaultfailure to do something required by duty or law : neglect
compressto press or squeeze together
optimumthe amount or degree of something that is most favorable to some end
permissivegranted on sufferance : tolerated
ostentatiousattracting or seeking to attract attention, admiration, or envy often by gaudiness or obviousness : overly elaborate or conspicuous : characterized by, fond of, or evincing ostentation