GRE Word List
filled to satiety
The meaning of the word satiate is filled to satiety.
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Word | Meaning |
mediate | occupying a middle position |
loll | to hang loosely or laxly : droop |
mingle | to bring or mix together or with something else usually without fundamental loss of identity : intermix |
numismatist | the study or collection of coins, tokens, and paper money and sometimes related objects (such as medals) |
sequester | to set apart : segregate |
impoverish | to make poor |
discernible | able to be perceived by a sense (such as sight or smell) or by the mind : capable of being discerned |
writhe | to twist into coils or folds |
hypothetical | involving or being based on a suggested idea or theory : being or involving a hypothesis : conjectural |
renovate | to restore to a former better state (as by cleaning, repairing, or rebuilding) |