GRE Word List
using few words : devoid of superfluity
The meaning of the word terse is using few words : devoid of superfluity.
Random words
Word | Meaning |
indemnify | to secure against hurt, loss, or damage |
hybrid | an offspring of two animals or plants of different subspecies, breeds, varieties, species, or genera |
celerity | rapidity of motion or action |
deface | to mar the appearance of : injure by effacing significant details |
protuberance | something that is protuberant |
odoriferous | yielding an odor : odorous |
horoscope | a diagram of the relative positions of planets and signs of the zodiac at a specific time (as at one's birth) for use by astrologers in inferring individual character and personality traits and in foretelling events of a person's life |
effervescence | the property of forming bubbles : the action or process of effervescing |
magistrate | an official entrusted with administration of the laws: such as |
cavalcade | a procession (see procession |