GRE Word List


soft miry land that shakes or yields under the foot

The meaning of the word quagmire is soft miry land that shakes or yields under the foot.

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baffleto defeat or check (someone) by confusing or puzzling : to confuse or frustrate completely : disconcert
vertexthe top of the head
debaseto lower in status, esteem, quality, or character
lacerationthe act of lacerating
sluggishaverse to activity or exertion : indolent
martyra person who voluntarily suffers death as the penalty of witnessing to and refusing to renounce a religion
stentorianextremely loud
correlateeither of two things so related that one directly implies or is complementary to the other (such as husband and wife)
pedestalthe support or foot of a late classic or neoclassical column see column illustration
harbingersomething that foreshadows a future event : something that gives an anticipatory sign of what is to come