GRE Word List


capable of submitting to an action, process, or operation

The meaning of the word susceptible is capable of submitting to an action, process, or operation.

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capaciouscontaining or capable of containing a great deal
indomitableincapable of being subdued : unconquerable
glowerto look or stare with sullen annoyance or anger
virilehaving traditionally masculine traits especially to a marked degree
detachedstanding by itself : separate
retinuea group of retainers or attendants
bigota person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices
colossalof, relating to, or resembling a colossus
interjectionan ejaculatory utterance usually lacking grammatical connection: such as
impassionedfilled with passion or zeal : showing great warmth or intensity of feeling