GRE Word List


a puzzling or difficult problem : an unsolved question

The meaning of the word crux is a puzzling or difficult problem : an unsolved question.

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thrashto beat soundly with or as if with a stick or whip : flog
bravehaving or showing mental or moral strength to face danger, fear, or difficulty : having or showing courage
mirthgladness or gaiety as shown by or accompanied with laughter
staccatocut short or apart in performing : disconnected
vintnera wine merchant
terminuseither end of a transportation line or travel route
boorishresembling or befitting a rude or insensitive person : resembling or befitting a boor
tacta keen sense of what to do or say in order to maintain good relations with others or avoid offense
marto ruin or diminish the perfection or wholeness of : spoil
treadto step or walk on or over