GRE Word List
smoothly though often superficially gracious and sophisticated
The meaning of the word suavity is smoothly though often superficially gracious and sophisticated.
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Word | Meaning |
warp | a series of yarns extended lengthwise in a loom and crossed by the weft |
sonorous | producing sound (as when struck) |
niggardly | grudgingly mean about spending or granting : begrudging |
duration | continuance in time |
enjoin | to direct or impose by authoritative order or with urgent admonition |
invincible | incapable of being conquered, overcome, or subdued |
jumble | to move in a confused or disordered manner |
glimmer | to shine faintly or unsteadily |
ingenious | having or showing an unusual aptitude for discovering, inventing, or contriving |
bargain | an agreement between parties settling what each gives or receives in a transaction between them or what course of action or policy each pursues in respect to the other |