GRE Word List


noisy especially in a vulgar or offensive manner : clamorous

The meaning of the word blatant is noisy especially in a vulgar or offensive manner : clamorous.

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undertakerone who undertakes : one who takes the risk and management of business : entrepreneur
sluicean artificial passage for water (as in a millstream) fitted with a valve or gate for stopping or regulating flow
quenchput out
affiliationthe state or relation of being closely associated or affiliated with a particular person, group, party, company, etc.
paranoiamental illness characterized by systematized delusions of persecution or grandeur usually without hallucinations
prosaiccharacteristic of prose as distinguished from poetry : factual
manifestreadily perceived by the senses and especially by the sense of sight
bloatedoverfilled and extended with liquid, gas, food, etc.
anchora device usually of metal attached to a ship or boat by a cable and cast overboard to hold it in a particular place by means of a fluke that digs into the bottom
hewto cut with blows of a heavy cutting instrument