GRE Word List


an act or instance of resuming : recommencement

The meaning of the word resumption is an act or instance of resuming : recommencement.

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grievancea cause of distress (such as an unsatisfactory working condition) felt to afford reason for complaint or resistance
implausiblenot plausible : provoking disbelief
disdaina feeling of contempt for someone or something regarded as unworthy or inferior : scorn
propoundto offer for discussion or consideration
enthrallto hold spellbound : charm
obeisancea movement of the body made in token of respect or submission : bow
fosterhaving, relating to, or being the relationship between a foster parent and the child who the foster parent cares for
effectuateto cause or bring about (something) : to put (something) into effect or operation : effect
discriminatingmaking a distinction : distinguishing