GRE Word List


to make more violent, bitter, or severe

The meaning of the word exacerbate is to make more violent, bitter, or severe.

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impetusa driving force : impulse
promiscuoushaving or involving many sexual partners : not restricted to one sexual partner or few sexual partners
entrancepower or permission to enter : admission
incorporateto unite or work into something already existent so as to form an indistinguishable whole
optometrista specialist licensed to practice optometry compare ophthalmologist
rationalhaving reason or understanding
concisemarked by brevity of expression or statement : free from all elaboration and superfluous detail
traumaticpsychologically or emotionally stressful in a way that can lead to serious mental and emotional problems
augmentto make greater, more numerous, larger, or more intense
wearyexhausted in strength, endurance, vigor, or freshness