GRE Word List


to brighten or freshen up : renovate

The meaning of the word refurbish is to brighten or freshen up : renovate.

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salaciousarousing or appealing to sexual desire or imagination
tarantulaany of various large, typically ground-dwelling, hairy, mygalomorph spiders (family Theraphosidae) of warm regions that possess venomous fangs used to subdue and kill prey (such as insects, centipedes, frogs, and mice) caught by ambush or chase and that construct silk-lined burrows but do not build webs to trap food
viscoushaving a thick or sticky consistency : viscid
renounceto give up, refuse, or resign usually by formal declaration
potenthaving or wielding force, authority, or influence : powerful
seduceto persuade to disobedience or disloyalty
ventralof or relating to the belly : abdominal
equivocalsubject to two or more interpretations and usually used to mislead or confuse
prominentstanding out or projecting beyond a surface or line : protuberant
glaringhaving a fixed look of hostility, fierceness, or anger