GRE Word List


a person who governs a kingdom in the minority, absence, or disability of the sovereign

The meaning of the word regent is a person who governs a kingdom in the minority, absence, or disability of the sovereign.

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insipidlacking in qualities that interest, stimulate, or challenge : dull
decorousmarked by propriety and good taste : correct
imperialof, relating to, befitting, or suggestive of an empire or an emperor
humanemarked by compassion, sympathy, or consideration for humans or animals
confidantone to whom secrets are entrusted
grandeurthe quality or state of being grand : magnificence
patrimonyan estate inherited from one's father or ancestor
improvidentnot provident : not foreseeing and providing for the future
propheticof, relating to, or characteristic of a prophet or prophecy
covertnot openly shown, engaged in, or avowed : veiled